Family and Child Counselling, Art Therapy, Breathwork, Yoga, Growth Mindset and Resilience.

Welcome to Happy Souls Kids

At HAPPY SOULS KIDS, we provide a safe haven for children to explore their inner selves and develop a deep connection with the world around them. Our aim is to build emotional resilience, reduce stress, and help children learn how to listen to their internal signals. Through counselling, mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, yoga, and art therapy, we equip kids with tools to combat mental health challenges and practice self-regulation.

Our core values are love, respect, kindness, honesty, compassion, empathy, and caring.

Jacintha offers one-on-one sessions with children in a safe and welcoming environment, empowering them to connect with their inner selves. When a child loses connection with themselves, they also lose connection with the world around them. Each session with Jacintha is tailored to the child's unique needs, as she uses her exceptional ability to tune into their emotions and connect the dots. Jacintha employs various techniques, such as art therapy, play therapy, counseling and emotional healing, to help children. She also provides them and their parents with tools such as breathwork, yoga, nature play, art, affirmations, and more to help them self-regulate.

The sessions are not just for children, but for the entire family. Jacintha works closely with parents to build a new language in the household to support deepening the connection.

At Happy Souls Kids, we recognise that parenting can be a challenging journey, and we want to support parents in any way we can. During our one-on-one sessions with children, we also provide resources and tools for parents to help them continue the work we do with their children at home. We want to empower parents to be a part of their child's journey towards mental and emotional well-being.

Additionally, we offer workshops and educational resources for parents on topics such as mindfulness, resilience-building, and emotional regulation. Our goal is to provide parents with the tools and knowledge they need to better support their child's mental and emotional health, and to create a strong, supportive family dynamic.

We believe that educating parents on these topics is just as important as working with the children themselves. When both parents and children are equipped with the skills and tools to navigate challenging emotions and situations, the entire family can thrive. Our hope is to create a ripple effect of positive change within families and communities.

Overall, Happy Souls Kids empowers families to connect and build resilience and learn the tools necessary for healthy self-regulation while nurturing their connection to themselves and the world around them.


Breathwork is a very powerful practice. When tempers begin to flare, breathing exercises are one of the most effective calming strategies for kids who are dealing with difficult emotions. There is a lot of power in a regular breathwork practice to encourage a deep cleansing breath to lower stress levels.

Art Therapy is an evidence-based therapeutic form of counselling. It can be very challenging for children to express how they are feeling so art and play are great forms of self-expression.

Yoga provides a range of physical, spiritual and mental relaxation. Yoga for kids can do wonders for their self-esteem. It helps children manage their anxiety, improves emotional regulation, increases body awareness and mindfulness. enhances concentration and memory, develops children’s strength and flexibility and teaches discipline and reduces impulsivity.

Growth Mindset When we teach kids to have a growth mindset (rather than a Fixed Mindset) we teach them to have hope in themselves and their abilities to be willing to confront challenges, have a passion for learning, to learn from criticism rather than ignoring it, work to overcome challenges rather than avoiding them, to find inspiration in the success of others rather than feeling threatened, and to have a belief that basic abilities can be developed with hard work and dedication.

Meditation is the process of turning inward, calming the mind, and practising presence. Kids who regularly practice meditation increase focus, self-control, develop coping strategies, emotional regulation, and build better relationships. Kids who learn to meditate are able to learn core skills necessary for emotion regulation. The practice of meditation can help to reduce stress and anxiety in children. Meditation is an opportunity for a child to unplug and just feel.

Emotional Resilience is the ability to calm emotional states when faced with a negative or challenging situation. Children face challenging situations every day. Building their emotional resilience helps them maintain balance when faced with adversity and build the will to succeed. We work with each individual child and gift them with the tools needed to become more resilient and brave.

At Happy Souls Kids, we not only work with children but also educate parents on how to incorporate these practices into their daily lives. We believe that empowering parents with these tools is just as important as empowering children. We provide a safe and friendly environment where both parents and children can learn and grow together.

 Our platform includes:

  • breathwork

  • yoga

  • meditation

  • growth mindset

  • resilience

  • art therapy

  • mindfulness

  • nutrition

Our school programs include:

In addition, HAPPY SOULS KIDS creates personalised programs for schools, teachers and workplaces to implement mindful strategies to help our favourite little people grow with confidence.

Our programs include breathwork, yoga, meditation, growth mindset, resilience art therapy and mindfulness. 

Our personalised program includes calming strategies especially beneficial for 6 -12-year-olds and 12-17-year-olds, pre-school, post recess and lunch to ground children back to the classroom to encourage focused learning. Further in-depth programs for -olds to be developed too.


Family and Child Counselling

As a family and child counsellor at Happy Souls Kids, our role is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where children and families can work through challenging situations and emotions. I offer one-on-one sessions for children to help them connect with their inner selves and develop emotional resilience.

During the sessions, I work with children to help them express and process their emotions through play therapy, art therapy, and emotional healing. I also offer counselling for parents and families to help them navigate complex family dynamics and build stronger, healthier relationships.

My approach is client-centred, which means that I tailor each session to the unique needs of the child or family. I provide a compassionate and non-judgmental space for children and families to share their feelings and experiences.

Through my work as a family and child counsellor, I aim to empower children and families with the tools and skills they need to thrive emotionally and mentally. I believe that by building emotional resilience and strengthening family relationships, we can help children grow into happy and confident adults.

At Happy Souls Kids, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, and we are committed to helping children and their families reach their full potential. We approach our work with compassion, empathy, and heart, and we are honored to be a part of every child and family's journey towards healing and growth.


Children often find themselves facing big emotions that they don't know how to handle. In such situations, deep breathing can be a helpful tool for self-regulation. Deep breathing through breathwork can divert their focus from negative emotions, providing a momentary distraction from stressors. Moreover, the physical act of breathing itself can have a calming effect on children by slowing them down.

What is breathwork?

Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, is one such method of deep breathing that activates the diaphragm, a large muscle in the abdomen, triggering a relaxation response in the body. This slows down the heart rate and blood pressure while enhancing digestive function, creating a state of rest and relaxation. Shallow breathing, on the other hand, can lead to a "flight or fight" response in the body. Through breathwork, children can learn how to take in air through their nose, contract their diaphragm, and expand their belly to create more space for their lungs, promoting a more relaxed state.

Breathwork can be a powerful tool for children to manage difficult emotions and promote overall well-being. By practicing deep breathing regularly, children can develop a sense of control over their emotions and learn to regulate their responses to stressors. Breathwork can also be an effective technique for helping children fall asleep or calm down before a big event, such as a test or performance.

Art Therapy 

Art therapy is a beautiful and heartwarming way to help children improve their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By using colours and the creative process of making art, children can express themselves in ways that words cannot fully capture. At Happy Souls Kids, we understand that it can be challenging for children to articulate their emotions, which is why we use art as a means of communication.

Through our art therapy process, we guide children towards self-expression, allowing them to explore and understand their emotional conflicts, develop social skills, improve self-esteem, and reduce anxiety. Our services are available to people of all ages and backgrounds, including those with severe behavioural problems.

Art provides children with a safe and non-judgmental way to communicate thoughts or feelings that may seem too complex or overwhelming to express with words. By incorporating art therapy into familiar settings, we aim to promote safety in times of uncertainty, trauma, or conflict.

Our art therapy sessions allow children to process their experiences, and in turn, reduce their stress and anxiety. It is a medium for helping kids deal with challenging emotions and express their thoughts and feelings with creativity and imagination. It is a medium for helping kids deal with challenging emotions and express their thoughts and feelings with creativity and imagination. At Happy Souls Kids, we believe in the power of art therapy to heal and nurture young minds and help them thrive.


In our fast-paced world of busy parents, school pressures, and endless activities, our children's lives can often be more stressful than we realise. However, yoga offers a way to create a peaceful stillness that can calm their minds. Through yoga, children can exercise, play, connect with their inner selves, and develop a deep relationship with the natural world around them. Yoga helps bring out the inner light that all children possess.

Yoga is not just a physical practice, but also a mental and emotional practice. It teaches children to be present in the moment and to focus on their breath and body, promoting mindfulness and self-awareness. By practicing yoga, children learn tools to manage their emotions and reactions to stress, which can be incredibly helpful in navigating the challenges of life.

Furthermore, yoga provides a non-competitive environment for children to explore and connect with their bodies. Unlike many other physical activities, yoga doesn't emphasize winning or losing, but rather encourages each child to move and breathe at their own pace, without judgement. This can help foster a positive self-image and boost self-esteem.

Yoga also offers children a break from the constant stimulation of screens and technology. By disconnecting from devices and connecting to their bodies and breath, children can experience a sense of calm and inner peace.


Growth Mindset 

A Growth Mindset refers to the belief that a child's intelligence and abilities can be enhanced through effort, determination, practice, and the right strategies. Studies have shown that cultivating a Growth Mindset can have a significant impact on children's success. It enables them to take on various challenges and problems, fostering a desire to learn and grow.

Early development of the right mindset is crucial for a happy, successful life. When children understand that putting in effort and using effective strategies can improve their skills, they become empowered and more willing to try new things. The knowledge that their brains are capable of growth gives them confidence, resilience, and a positive attitude towards failure.

It is vital to instill in children the belief that their brains can get stronger with time and effort. While some children may already possess this belief, others may think that their abilities are fixed and unchangeable. Students who adopt a growth mindset see school as a platform to develop their skills and view challenges as opportunities for growth. In contrast, those with a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence is predetermined at birth and cannot be changed with practice. Mindset plays a significant role in shaping our experiences and possibilities for the future. 


Teaching children meditation can enhance their performance at school, sleep patterns, and emotional regulation.

Meditation can help children recognise and manage internal signals of stress before their developing brains and bodies become overwhelmed. This practice of self-awareness in body and mind, also known as consciousness, has been praised for thousands of years as a natural and accessible way to regulate stress responses and promote good health. When confronted with a threat, humans instinctively fight, flee, or freeze. Meditation can help both children and adults find inner calm, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, boost self-esteem, enhance focus and concentration, and lower stress levels.

Studies have revealed that regular meditation practice can even alter the structure of the brain in children, strengthening their immune system, reducing stress levels, and improving sleep quality.

To provide children with the necessary tools to maintain balance, it is essential to understand their individual needs and guide them towards meditation practice. Like any other skill, repetition is necessary to cultivate this powerful practice.


Resilience refers to the ability to recover from stress, adversity, failure, challenges, or even trauma. It's not an innate trait that kids are born with, but a skill that can be developed with proper guidance and support.

Children who develop resilience are more likely to take healthy risks because they aren't afraid of falling short of expectations. They're curious, brave, and trust their instincts. They recognize their limits and push themselves to step outside their comfort zones, which helps them achieve their long-term goals and solve problems independently.

As kids grow, they're bound to encounter various degrees of stress. Despite a parent's best efforts, kids can't be protected from obstacles. They may get sick, move to new neighborhoods, deal with bullies or cyberbullies, take tests, experience grief, lose friends, or cope with divorce, among other things. While these obstacles may seem trivial to adults, they can feel overwhelming to kids. Teaching children how to self-regulate empowers them with the tools they need to manage stress and apply those skills to everyday life.


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